Simple Servings Allergen -Safe Dining Option

March 19, 2018

Simple Servings is an award-winning, open-to-all, dining platform that offers fresh, flavorful meals prepared without the most common allergens, which account for 90% of all food allergy reactions. Dishes at Simple Servings are prepared without milk, eggs, wheat, soy, shellfish, peanuts, tree nuts, and gluten.

Simple Servings acts as a bridge to help students transition from the safety of home, where all allergens are strictly excluded, to dining on their own in an environment that requires careful attention to the choices they make. In addition, knowledgeable and attentive staff members are available to discuss ingredients and answer questions. Menus are labeled accurately and made available online and through mobile applications. By providing these enhanced resources, we want to ultimately help students learn to advocate for themselves and obtain the information they need.

While the Simple Servings platform was built to cater first to those with allergies, we also recognize that this station has attracted a new wave of health-conscious eaters. Because Simple Servings focuses on providing real, wholesome ingredients and vegan sides, this station has become appealing to all student groups.

Simple Servings is supported by a robust network of registered dietitians, executive chefs, operators, and global leadership professionals who are dedicated to ensuring the safety of students on campus.